كثرت الاسئلة مؤخرا عن نوع اللجوء المناسب للعرب وخاصة السوريين
منهم . وسوف نتحدث اليوم عن نوع من اللجوء يسمي مجازا بالكفالة الكنسية.
وفي الواقع يدخل هذا النوع تحت نوع أكبر من اللجوء وهو اللجوء بمساعدة منظمات كندية. وبالتالي لا يشترط في طالب اللجوء ان يكون مسيحي الديانة فالكنيسة تقوم بذلك علي سبيل العمل الخيري ولاسباب انسانية فقط.
فكرة الكفالة الكنسية تقوم علي تعهد كنيسة في كندا باستقدام اللاجئ ورعاية شؤونه خلال السنة الاولي لوصوله. ولكي تتعهد الكنيسة بذلك يجب ان يقدم لها اللاجئ طلبا بذلك، و لا يستطيع تقديمه مباشرة بل يجب ان يوجد شخص كندي او مقيم دائم في كندا يمثله لتقديم طلب اللجوء الى كندا عن طريق الكنيسة.
ويقوم هذا الشخص أيضا بايداع مبلغ كافي في حساب الكنيسة للانفاق علي اللاجئ لمدة عام. وبعد ان يصل اللاجئ الي كندا تقوم الكنيسة بصرف دفعات شهرية من هذا المبلغ الي اللاجئ الى كندا علي مدي 12 شهرا لضمان عدم التقدم بطلب اعانة من الدولة الكندية في هذه الفترة. وبعد انتهاء العام يفترض باللاجئ ان يكون قد نظم أوضاعه المالية أي انه قد وجد عملا أو أي مصدر دخل. فاذا لم يجد يحق له تقديم طلب للمعونة من الدولة.
ويجب ان يكون اللاجئ الذي يستفيد من الكفالة الكنسية خارج بلده الاصلي
وقت تقديم اللجوء, اي أنه لا يستطيع القدوم من وطنه مباشرة الي كندا, وتعطي
الاولوية لمن حصل علي شهادة الحماية من الامم المتحدة.
ومايميز هذا النوع من الهجرة الى كندا ان نسبة القبول في طلبات اللجوء فيه عالية، و الرفض يتم غالبا لاسباب أمنية كأن يكون اللاجئ متورطا في نشاط اجرامي وهو أمر نادر الحدوث. ويستغرق نظر الطلب عادة مدة تتراوح من عدة شهور الي سنة، وبذلك هو أسرع من لجوء الكفالة الخماسية وأسرع من بعض أنواع الهجرة الى كندا.
وبالنسبة للمبلغ الذي يودعه ممثل اللاجئ في كندا فيختلف علي حسب عدد أفراد الاسرة والمقاطعة ولكنها تترواح بين القيم التالية:
* فرد واحد: 9000 الي 11000 دولار
* فردان: 15500 الي 18500 دولار
* 3 أفراد: 17700 الي 23000 دولار
* 4 أفراد: 20000 الي 26000 دولار
ولا يحق لأي كنيسة كفالة اللاجئ بل أن هناك كنائس محددة مرخص لها بذلك:
Calgary, AB
Event: World Refugee Day Film Night,
Venue: John Dutton Theatre, 616 Macleod S.E, Calgary AB
Date: 10th June, 2011 – 11am – 2pm
Organizing committee: World Refugee Day Organizing Committee
Contact person: Matt Baden
Tel: 403.541.6116
Calgary, AB
Event: World Refugee Day Celebration,
Venue: Bannff Trail Community Centre, 2115 – 20th Avenue N.W
Date: 18th June, 2011 – 1pm – 5pm
Organizing committee: World Refugee Day Organizing Committee
Contact person: Matt Baden
Tel: 403.541.6116
Lethbridge, AB
Event: In partnership with the Red Cross – Mock Refugee Camp in City core Park- (Galt Gardens)
Venue: Galt Gardens
Date: 20th June, 2011 – 11am – 2pm
Organizing committee: Lethbridge Family Services
Contact person: Brenda Hunik
Tel: (402) 320.1589
Red Deer, AB
Event: Refugee Camp in the City
Venue: Central Middle School, 5121-48 Avenue Red Deer, Alberta
Date: June 20, 2011
Time : 9.00am – 5.00pm
Organizing committee: Central Alberta Refugee Effort Committee (CARE) And Catholic Social Services
Contact person: Jan Underwood, Maria Mihok, Anneke Lauwers
Tel: 403-346-8818 Download poster for this event (PDF, 478 KB)
British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
Event Title: Kimberley World Refugee Day. Everyone is welcome to attend A celebration of what we have done and discussion on what we will do for refugees, as a community.
Venue: Kimberley College of the Rockies (old Blarchmont school)
Date: June 20 Monday, 7 pm
Organizing committee: East Kootenay Friends of Burma
Contact person: Shauna Jimenez
Tel: 250.422.3259
Vancouver, BC
Event Title: “I Am ONE Who Cares – Join Me!”
Venue: Central Library, 350 West Georgia St, Vancouver
Date: 20th June, 2011 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Organizing committee: Red Cross, Settlement Orientation Services (SOS),
Amnesty International, Rainbow Refugee Committee
Contact person(s): Alexandra Charlton(SOS) or Melinda Mennie(Red Cross)
Tel: 778 328 8888. ext 25 (Alexandra) or 604 709 6653 (Melinda)
Download poster for this event (PDF, 3 MB)
New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB
Events : School Presentations
Venue: Various schools in Fredericton
Date: Two events in the week of June 20
Organizing committee: MCAF staff
Contact person: Joanne Owuor Larocque
Tel: (506) 452 0650
St Johns, NL
Event: Refugee Day Celebration!
Venue: Centre for Social Justice, 204 Water Street (above Coffee and co)
Date: June 20th 6:30 pm
Organizing Committee: Anna Smith and Esteban Rivera from the Refugee and Immigrant Advisory Council
Contact person: Esteban Rivera
Tel: 709.754.4122
Nova Scotia
Halifax, NS
Event: World Refugee Event at our museum in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Venue: Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 | Musée canadien de l’immigration du Quai 21
Organizing Committee: Manager of Education Services
Contact Person: Elisabeth Tower
Tel: D : 902.425.7770 ext. 243 F : 902.423-4045
Halifax, NS
Life Resource Center- A Ministry of Northpark Community Church
Event:Film Screening and partnering w/ other NGO’s
Venue: TBD
Organizing Committee: ISIS- Immigration Settlement and Integration Services
Contact Person:SoulAfa Al- Abbasi
Tel: 902.423.3607
Halifax, NS
Event Title: “One Is Too Many”
Venue: NSCAD University 5163 Duke Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3J6
Date: June 20th, 2011.
Organizing committee: Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services (ISIS), Halifax Refugee Clinic, Canadian Red Cross and NSCAD University Contact person: Soulafa Al-Abbasi
Tel: +1 (902) 406-8613
Download poster for this event (PDF, 213 KB)
Etobicoke, ON
Event: World Refugee Day Commemoration – Display posters and other resources at reception and in office
Venue: 3250 Bloor Street West
Date: June 20, 2011
Organizing Committee: Khwaka Kukubo
Tel: Toll-Free: 1-800-268-3781 Ext 4068
Etobicoke, ON
Event: 2011 Annual World Refugee Day Event
Venue: Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute, 500 The East Mall Etobicoke, Ontario, ON M9B 2C4
Date: Sunday June 26th, 2011
Organizing committee: Adeniyi Temowo Immigration Services in conjunction with Redeemed Christian Church of God, Sure Foundation Chapel, Etobicoke
Contact persons: Adeniyi Temowo, Pastor Kunle Aina
Tel: 416-250-9449 / 416-825-1797
Tel: 647-701-9971 / 647-701-6871
Fort Erie, ON
Event: World Refugee Day Open House
Venue: Refugee Processing Unit, Peace Bridge,
Date: Monday, June 20th
Organizing Committee: Tracey M Elia, Brenda Walls, Julie Swiatek and Jeff Tremblay
Website: N/A
Tel. 905 994-6003
London, ON
Event:The event will be held on June 19 at the local school that
has English Second language (ESL)classes for refugees from around the globe.Activities will include,poetry, reading,cultural music and dance,and cultural food.
Venue: local school that has English Second language (ESL)classes for refugees from around the globe
Orgnizing Committee: A Ministry of Northpark Community Church
Contact Person:Tendayi Gwaradzimba
Tel: Phone:519 -438 -6788 Cell; 519-719 -9403
London, ON
Event Title: “Refugee today Citizen Tomorrow”
Venue: Several venues in the Northeast of London, ON
Local library-Beacock library:
June 19-25 :At the local library Beacock library the patrons will be able to engage in the campaign “Refugee today Citizen Tomorrow” too many, they will view a book display on refugee issues and famous refugees, patrons will be able to write up messages and post them on space provided regarding refugees lives and issues.
Mosaic Intercultural Church:
June 19:12-3:30pm:
Refugee discussion at and celebrations at Mosaic Intercultural Church (Poetry, Gospel Music extravagance and sharing of international meal and refugees speak on their experiences)
Sir George Ross School:
June 20:4-5:30pm
World Refugee Day “PIZZA PARTY “in celebration of UNHCR 60TH anniversary for the English Second Language (ESL) students and families, teachers and friends, refugees speak of their experiences, music
Beacock Library
June 22 :2-5pm:
Guest Speakers speaks on refugee issue; Refugee youths spearhead activities ,screenings of movies about the life styles of refugees living in western nations “The Lost Boys of Sudan”, Children’s art, Stone painting and placing messages in the Peace Garden at Beacock library, Guest Speakers, refreshments
Wearing light blue (the international color of UN Aid workers) on World Refugee Day (June 20) and talk to friends about why you are wearing blue that day.
Organizing Committee: Life Resource Center in partnership with Beacock library staff, refugee adults and youths Contact Person:Tendayi Gwaradzimba(Community Outreach Worker) David Cottrill (Program Director):
Tel: 519 -438 -6788 Cell; 519 457-1400
Ottawa, ON
Event: Lunch time presentation possibly w/ Speaker
Venue: 365 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa ON K1A 1L1
Date: 20th June, 2011
Organizing committee: CIC- Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Contact person: Sean Dineen
Tel: Telephone | 613-960-5918 Facsimile | 613-941-6413
Toronto, ON
Event: Citizenship Ceremony, CN Tower lit blue and Public Event at Yonge Dundas Square
Venue: Yonge Dundas Square
Date: 20th June, 2011
Organizing committee: UNHCR (for Citizenship Ceremony and CN Tower), Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture, Sojourn House, COSTI Immigrant Services, Christie Refugee Welcome Centre and Don Valley LIPS (TNO) (for public event at Yonge Dundas Square)
Contact person: Rana Khan (UNHCR)
Tel: (416)- 954-1188
Download poster for this event (PDF, 185 KB)
Toronto, ON
Event: FCJ Refugee Centre 20th Anniversary Street Party
Venue: FCJ Refugee Centre, 208 Oakwood Ave.
Date: Saturday June 11th
Organizing committee: Philip Ackermann
Contact: Philip Ackermann
Tel: 416.469.9754
Whitby, ON
Event:World Refugee Day Celebration
Venue: Whitby Public Library, Whitby, Ontario
Date: June 20, 2011 9 a.m to 12 noon
Organizing committee: Community Development Council Durham (CDCD)
Contact person:Darcy Maccallum or Sophia Bittar
Tel: (905) 686-2661
Windsor, ON
Event: World Refugee Day – ‘1 refugee without hope, is too many’
Venue: Windsor Public Library as well as online (see “Website” below)
Date: June 17, 2011
Organizing Committee: World Refugee Day Committee Windsor, Ontario
Contact: Luciana Nechita
Tel: 519-256-6621 ext 303
Download poster for this event (PDF, 2 MB)
Windsor, ON
Event Title: Celebrating World Refugee Day 2011
Attendees will have the opportunity to listen to the expressions of people who came to Canada as refugees as they share their stories through storytelling, poetry, dance, film, and music.
Venue: Central Library, 850 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON
Date: 17th June, 2011 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.
Organizing committee: The Windsor Public Library in partnership with several area organizations and agencies that serve newcomers to Canada in Windsor and Essex County
Contact person:
Luciana Nechita-Women’s Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor Inc :519-256-6621 ext 232
Kamal El Khaj -YMCA of Windsor and Essex County -519-256-7330 ext 233
Windsor, ON
Event Title: Celebrating World Refugee Day 2011
Attendees will have the opportunity to listen to the expressions of people who came to Canada as refugees as they share their stories through storytelling, poetry, dance, film and music
Venue: Central Library, 850 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON
Date: 17th June, 2011
Organizing committee: YMCA
Contact person: Kamal El Khaj
Tel: (519) 256-7330 ext. 233
Drummondville, QC
Comité organisateur : Regroupement interculturel de Drummondville(RID)
Événement : Comment sensibiliser la population drummondvilloise à la situation des réfugiés par la création d’une affiche? Atelier dans plusieurs écoles et exposition des affiches dans divers endroits de la ville.
Date et Lieu: 20 juin aux Promenades Drummondville, 21 au 27 juin à la Bibliothèque municipale Côme-Saint-Germain
Personne ressource : Johanna Ruiz
Tél. 819-472-8333
Sherbrooke, QC
Événement : journée mondial des réfugies « 1 seul, c’est déjà trop » L’humain : la solidarité avec
les réfugies. / Les dissonances : « 1 seul réfugié privé d’espoir, c’est déjà trop» « 1 seul enfant grandissant dans un camp de réfugiés, c’est déjà trop»
Date : 20 Juin
Lieu et heure de départ : Agora, Université de Sherbrooke entre 12 m et 14 heures
Comité Organisateur : Colombiestrie- université de Sherbrooke-Rife-Aric
Personne ressource : Juan Ovidio Arango
Tél : 819 563 1860 –
facebook: Sherbrooke-Colombiestrie
Trois-Rivières, QC
Événement : la Marche de Solidarité pour la Journée Mondiale du Réfugié
Date : 20 juin 2011
Départ: Bureaux SANA (Coin rue Laviolette et Boul. Saint Maurice)
Heure: 15h15
Arrivée: Parc Portuaire de Trois-Rivières (Il y aura une exposition photo en partenariat avec l’UNHCR)
Autres deux expositions de photos dans deux secteurs de la ville en partenariat avec l’UNHCR, l’Office Municipale d’Habitation (OMH) de Trois-Rivières et la SANA de Trois-Rivières.
Lieux: Maison de quartier du secteur Adélard-Dugré (5587, Jean-Paul
Lavergne, G8Y 3Y5)
Maison de quartier du secteur Jean Nicolet (1211 Place Georges H Robichon
Date : du 20 juin 2011 au 27 juin 2011 heure: à partir de 14h00
Comité Organisateur :Service d’Accueil des Nouveaux Arrivants (SANA)de Trois-Rivières
Personne ressource : Ivan Alonso Suaza
Tél : (819) 375 2196
Regina, SK
Event: World Refugee Day Event
Venue: Scarth Street Mall-Main Stage
Date: Wednesday, June 15th, 2011
Organizing committee: Regina Open Door Society Inc.
Contact person: Shelly Hill
Tel: 306-352-3500
Download poster for this event (PDF, 217 KB)
Moose Jaw, SK
Event Title:World Refugee Day Luncheon
Event Details: Time 11:30 am Cost 5.00
Venue: Timothy Eaton’s Centre,510 Main Street North, Moose Jaw
Date: 20th June, 2011
Organizing committee: Newcomers Subcommittee of the Regional Intersectoral Committee
Contact person: Christine Boyczuk
Saskatoon City, SK
Event Title: World Refugee Day Event
Venue: Saskatoon City Hall Plaza, Saskatoon
Date: June 20
Organizing committee: Saskatoon Refugee Coalition
Contact person: Elaine Harder
Tel: 306.665.2555
Canada. Saskatoon
45th Street West 600
Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5W9
phone: 306 6531633 pce@ecumenism.net
____————————– ————-
Anglican church
Canada. Hudson
:Send paper submissions to
The Revs. Steve & Julie Golding Page
Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 hudsonbayarborfield@sasktel. net
___————————— ——————-
Good Shepherd Chaldean Church
Canada. Toronto
Chaldean Way 2
High Meadow Place
Toronto, ON M9L 2Z5 kaldainfo.canada@yahoo.com
Tel: 4167465816
—————————— —
Christ Church Cathedral
Canada. Vancouver
Burrard Street 690
Vancouver BC V6C 3L1
Phone: 6046823848 office@cathedral.vancouver.bc. ca
—————————— —
mc dougall united Church
Canada. Alberta
Macdonald Dr NW 10025
Edmonton AB
—————————— —–
James United Church
Canada. Montréal
rue City Councillors Montréal H3A 2E4 1435
Phone: 5142889245 james@qc.aibn.com
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Church of Scientology
Canada. Winnipeg
Garry Street 315
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2G7
—————————— ————
Central Church of Christ
Canada. Winnipeg
St. Mary’s Road 170
Winnipeg, MB R2H 1H9
Phone: 2044756462
—————————— ——————-
Saint Patrick’s Basilica
Nepean Street, Ottawa K1R 5G2 281
Phone: 6132331126
—————————— —————-
The Church of Jesus Christ
Canada. Quebec
,Boulevard MarieVictorinLongueuil
Quebec, J4G 1A4Canada
—————————— ———————–
(AAO) Afghan Association of Ontario
Pemican Court, Unit 6 29
North York, ON
M9M 2Z3
—————————— ————————
Afghan Women’s Counseling and Integration Community Support Organization
Don Mills Road, Suite 312 789
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T5
—————————— —————————–
Anba Abraam’s Coptic Charity
Eglinton Avenue W 1250
Mississagua, ON
L5V 1N3
=—————————– ——————–
Anglican Diocese of British Columbia
Vancouver Street 900
Victoria, BC
V8V 3V7
—————————— —————————— —
Anglican Diocese of Calgary – Refugee Support Group
Arbour Wood Close NW 79
Calgary, AB
T3G 4A9
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Anglican Diocese of Edmonton
Street NW 103 – 10035
Edmonton, AB
T6J 0X5
—————————— —————————— —-
Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Quinpool Road 6017
Halifax, NS
B3K 5J6
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Anglican Diocese of Toronto Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Toronto / Anglican United
(AURA) Refugee Alliance
St. Clair Avenue E 2723
Toronto, ON
M4B 1M8
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Anglican Synod of The Diocese of New Westminster
Georgia Street W 580401
Vancouver, BC
V6B 5A1
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Archiepiscopal Corporation of Regina
Broad Street N 445
Regina, SK
S4R 2X8
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Armenian Community Centre of Toronto
Hallcrown Place 45
Willowdale, ON
M2J 4Y4
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Asmaro Chaldean Society
Stoneybrook Crescent 1621
Windsor, ON
N9G 2Z4
—————————— ——————-
Babylon Ethnic Society, Incorporated
McCormack Road 1052
Saskatoon, SK
S7M 5K2
—————————— —————–
Berhan Semay Church of Toronto
Bloor Street, East 345
PO Box 72616
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3S9
—————————— ——————–
Calgary Ethiopian Community Association
Avenue SW 12 223 201
Calgary, AB
T2R 0G9
—————————— ———————-Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
The East Mall 304 100
Etobicoke, ON
M9B 6E2
—————————— —————–
Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
Suite 1100, 500 – 11 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2R 1M7
—————————— —————
Canadian Hearts Across Borders Association
P.O. Box 81014
McLeod Park
Street NW 1571566
Edmonton, Alberta
T5Y 2C0
—————————— ——————
Canadian International Immigrant and Refugee Support Association
Street 107 10584
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2Y6
—————————— —————————— —–
Canadian Lutheran World Relief
E 10
Avenue 80
New Westminister, BC
V3L 4R5
—————————— ———————–
Canadian Unitarian Council
Dupont Street 100344
Toronto, ON
M5R 1V9
—————————— ————————-
.Carrefour d’immigration rurale inc
Case postale 2143
rue de l’École ,76
E7E 2M7
—————————— ———————–
Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canad
وفي الواقع يدخل هذا النوع تحت نوع أكبر من اللجوء وهو اللجوء بمساعدة منظمات كندية. وبالتالي لا يشترط في طالب اللجوء ان يكون مسيحي الديانة فالكنيسة تقوم بذلك علي سبيل العمل الخيري ولاسباب انسانية فقط.
فكرة الكفالة الكنسية تقوم علي تعهد كنيسة في كندا باستقدام اللاجئ ورعاية شؤونه خلال السنة الاولي لوصوله. ولكي تتعهد الكنيسة بذلك يجب ان يقدم لها اللاجئ طلبا بذلك، و لا يستطيع تقديمه مباشرة بل يجب ان يوجد شخص كندي او مقيم دائم في كندا يمثله لتقديم طلب اللجوء الى كندا عن طريق الكنيسة.
ويقوم هذا الشخص أيضا بايداع مبلغ كافي في حساب الكنيسة للانفاق علي اللاجئ لمدة عام. وبعد ان يصل اللاجئ الي كندا تقوم الكنيسة بصرف دفعات شهرية من هذا المبلغ الي اللاجئ الى كندا علي مدي 12 شهرا لضمان عدم التقدم بطلب اعانة من الدولة الكندية في هذه الفترة. وبعد انتهاء العام يفترض باللاجئ ان يكون قد نظم أوضاعه المالية أي انه قد وجد عملا أو أي مصدر دخل. فاذا لم يجد يحق له تقديم طلب للمعونة من الدولة.
ومايميز هذا النوع من الهجرة الى كندا ان نسبة القبول في طلبات اللجوء فيه عالية، و الرفض يتم غالبا لاسباب أمنية كأن يكون اللاجئ متورطا في نشاط اجرامي وهو أمر نادر الحدوث. ويستغرق نظر الطلب عادة مدة تتراوح من عدة شهور الي سنة، وبذلك هو أسرع من لجوء الكفالة الخماسية وأسرع من بعض أنواع الهجرة الى كندا.
وبالنسبة للمبلغ الذي يودعه ممثل اللاجئ في كندا فيختلف علي حسب عدد أفراد الاسرة والمقاطعة ولكنها تترواح بين القيم التالية:
* فرد واحد: 9000 الي 11000 دولار
* فردان: 15500 الي 18500 دولار
* 3 أفراد: 17700 الي 23000 دولار
* 4 أفراد: 20000 الي 26000 دولار
ولا يحق لأي كنيسة كفالة اللاجئ بل أن هناك كنائس محددة مرخص لها بذلك:
قائمة بالكنائس في كندا التي تقدم هذه الخدمة
AlbertaCalgary, AB
Event: World Refugee Day Film Night,
Venue: John Dutton Theatre, 616 Macleod S.E, Calgary AB
Date: 10th June, 2011 – 11am – 2pm
Organizing committee: World Refugee Day Organizing Committee
Contact person: Matt Baden
Tel: 403.541.6116
Calgary, AB
Event: World Refugee Day Celebration,
Venue: Bannff Trail Community Centre, 2115 – 20th Avenue N.W
Date: 18th June, 2011 – 1pm – 5pm
Organizing committee: World Refugee Day Organizing Committee
Contact person: Matt Baden
Tel: 403.541.6116
Lethbridge, AB
Event: In partnership with the Red Cross – Mock Refugee Camp in City core Park- (Galt Gardens)
Venue: Galt Gardens
Date: 20th June, 2011 – 11am – 2pm
Organizing committee: Lethbridge Family Services
Contact person: Brenda Hunik
Tel: (402) 320.1589
Red Deer, AB
Event: Refugee Camp in the City
Venue: Central Middle School, 5121-48 Avenue Red Deer, Alberta
Date: June 20, 2011
Time : 9.00am – 5.00pm
Organizing committee: Central Alberta Refugee Effort Committee (CARE) And Catholic Social Services
Contact person: Jan Underwood, Maria Mihok, Anneke Lauwers
Tel: 403-346-8818 Download poster for this event (PDF, 478 KB)
British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
Event Title: Kimberley World Refugee Day. Everyone is welcome to attend A celebration of what we have done and discussion on what we will do for refugees, as a community.
Venue: Kimberley College of the Rockies (old Blarchmont school)
Date: June 20 Monday, 7 pm
Organizing committee: East Kootenay Friends of Burma
Contact person: Shauna Jimenez
Tel: 250.422.3259
Vancouver, BC
Event Title: “I Am ONE Who Cares – Join Me!”
Venue: Central Library, 350 West Georgia St, Vancouver
Date: 20th June, 2011 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Organizing committee: Red Cross, Settlement Orientation Services (SOS),
Amnesty International, Rainbow Refugee Committee
Contact person(s): Alexandra Charlton(SOS) or Melinda Mennie(Red Cross)
Tel: 778 328 8888. ext 25 (Alexandra) or 604 709 6653 (Melinda)
Download poster for this event (PDF, 3 MB)
New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB
Events : School Presentations
Venue: Various schools in Fredericton
Date: Two events in the week of June 20
Organizing committee: MCAF staff
Contact person: Joanne Owuor Larocque
Tel: (506) 452 0650
St Johns, NL
Event: Refugee Day Celebration!
Venue: Centre for Social Justice, 204 Water Street (above Coffee and co)
Date: June 20th 6:30 pm
Organizing Committee: Anna Smith and Esteban Rivera from the Refugee and Immigrant Advisory Council
Contact person: Esteban Rivera
Tel: 709.754.4122
Nova Scotia
Halifax, NS
Event: World Refugee Event at our museum in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Venue: Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 | Musée canadien de l’immigration du Quai 21
Organizing Committee: Manager of Education Services
Contact Person: Elisabeth Tower
Tel: D : 902.425.7770 ext. 243 F : 902.423-4045
Halifax, NS
Life Resource Center- A Ministry of Northpark Community Church
Event:Film Screening and partnering w/ other NGO’s
Venue: TBD
Organizing Committee: ISIS- Immigration Settlement and Integration Services
Contact Person:SoulAfa Al- Abbasi
Tel: 902.423.3607
Halifax, NS
Event Title: “One Is Too Many”
Venue: NSCAD University 5163 Duke Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3J6
Date: June 20th, 2011.
Organizing committee: Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services (ISIS), Halifax Refugee Clinic, Canadian Red Cross and NSCAD University Contact person: Soulafa Al-Abbasi
Tel: +1 (902) 406-8613
Download poster for this event (PDF, 213 KB)
Etobicoke, ON
Event: World Refugee Day Commemoration – Display posters and other resources at reception and in office
Venue: 3250 Bloor Street West
Date: June 20, 2011
Organizing Committee: Khwaka Kukubo
Tel: Toll-Free: 1-800-268-3781 Ext 4068
Etobicoke, ON
Event: 2011 Annual World Refugee Day Event
Venue: Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute, 500 The East Mall Etobicoke, Ontario, ON M9B 2C4
Date: Sunday June 26th, 2011
Organizing committee: Adeniyi Temowo Immigration Services in conjunction with Redeemed Christian Church of God, Sure Foundation Chapel, Etobicoke
Contact persons: Adeniyi Temowo, Pastor Kunle Aina
Tel: 416-250-9449 / 416-825-1797
Tel: 647-701-9971 / 647-701-6871
Fort Erie, ON
Event: World Refugee Day Open House
Venue: Refugee Processing Unit, Peace Bridge,
Date: Monday, June 20th
Organizing Committee: Tracey M Elia, Brenda Walls, Julie Swiatek and Jeff Tremblay
Website: N/A
Tel. 905 994-6003
London, ON
Event:The event will be held on June 19 at the local school that
has English Second language (ESL)classes for refugees from around the globe.Activities will include,poetry, reading,cultural music and dance,and cultural food.
Venue: local school that has English Second language (ESL)classes for refugees from around the globe
Orgnizing Committee: A Ministry of Northpark Community Church
Contact Person:Tendayi Gwaradzimba
Tel: Phone:519 -438 -6788 Cell; 519-719 -9403
London, ON
Event Title: “Refugee today Citizen Tomorrow”
Venue: Several venues in the Northeast of London, ON
Local library-Beacock library:
June 19-25 :At the local library Beacock library the patrons will be able to engage in the campaign “Refugee today Citizen Tomorrow” too many, they will view a book display on refugee issues and famous refugees, patrons will be able to write up messages and post them on space provided regarding refugees lives and issues.
Mosaic Intercultural Church:
June 19:12-3:30pm:
Refugee discussion at and celebrations at Mosaic Intercultural Church (Poetry, Gospel Music extravagance and sharing of international meal and refugees speak on their experiences)
Sir George Ross School:
June 20:4-5:30pm
World Refugee Day “PIZZA PARTY “in celebration of UNHCR 60TH anniversary for the English Second Language (ESL) students and families, teachers and friends, refugees speak of their experiences, music
Beacock Library
June 22 :2-5pm:
Guest Speakers speaks on refugee issue; Refugee youths spearhead activities ,screenings of movies about the life styles of refugees living in western nations “The Lost Boys of Sudan”, Children’s art, Stone painting and placing messages in the Peace Garden at Beacock library, Guest Speakers, refreshments
Wearing light blue (the international color of UN Aid workers) on World Refugee Day (June 20) and talk to friends about why you are wearing blue that day.
Organizing Committee: Life Resource Center in partnership with Beacock library staff, refugee adults and youths Contact Person:Tendayi Gwaradzimba(Community Outreach Worker) David Cottrill (Program Director):
Tel: 519 -438 -6788 Cell; 519 457-1400
Ottawa, ON
Event: Lunch time presentation possibly w/ Speaker
Venue: 365 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa ON K1A 1L1
Date: 20th June, 2011
Organizing committee: CIC- Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Contact person: Sean Dineen
Tel: Telephone | 613-960-5918 Facsimile | 613-941-6413
Toronto, ON
Event: Citizenship Ceremony, CN Tower lit blue and Public Event at Yonge Dundas Square
Venue: Yonge Dundas Square
Date: 20th June, 2011
Organizing committee: UNHCR (for Citizenship Ceremony and CN Tower), Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture, Sojourn House, COSTI Immigrant Services, Christie Refugee Welcome Centre and Don Valley LIPS (TNO) (for public event at Yonge Dundas Square)
Contact person: Rana Khan (UNHCR)
Tel: (416)- 954-1188
Download poster for this event (PDF, 185 KB)
Toronto, ON
Event: FCJ Refugee Centre 20th Anniversary Street Party
Venue: FCJ Refugee Centre, 208 Oakwood Ave.
Date: Saturday June 11th
Organizing committee: Philip Ackermann
Contact: Philip Ackermann
Tel: 416.469.9754
Whitby, ON
Event:World Refugee Day Celebration
Venue: Whitby Public Library, Whitby, Ontario
Date: June 20, 2011 9 a.m to 12 noon
Organizing committee: Community Development Council Durham (CDCD)
Contact person:Darcy Maccallum or Sophia Bittar
Tel: (905) 686-2661
Windsor, ON
Event: World Refugee Day – ‘1 refugee without hope, is too many’
Venue: Windsor Public Library as well as online (see “Website” below)
Date: June 17, 2011
Organizing Committee: World Refugee Day Committee Windsor, Ontario
Contact: Luciana Nechita
Tel: 519-256-6621 ext 303
Download poster for this event (PDF, 2 MB)
Windsor, ON
Event Title: Celebrating World Refugee Day 2011
Attendees will have the opportunity to listen to the expressions of people who came to Canada as refugees as they share their stories through storytelling, poetry, dance, film, and music.
Venue: Central Library, 850 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON
Date: 17th June, 2011 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.
Organizing committee: The Windsor Public Library in partnership with several area organizations and agencies that serve newcomers to Canada in Windsor and Essex County
Contact person:
Luciana Nechita-Women’s Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor Inc :519-256-6621 ext 232
Kamal El Khaj -YMCA of Windsor and Essex County -519-256-7330 ext 233
Windsor, ON
Event Title: Celebrating World Refugee Day 2011
Attendees will have the opportunity to listen to the expressions of people who came to Canada as refugees as they share their stories through storytelling, poetry, dance, film and music
Venue: Central Library, 850 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON
Date: 17th June, 2011
Organizing committee: YMCA
Contact person: Kamal El Khaj
Tel: (519) 256-7330 ext. 233
Drummondville, QC
Comité organisateur : Regroupement interculturel de Drummondville(RID)
Événement : Comment sensibiliser la population drummondvilloise à la situation des réfugiés par la création d’une affiche? Atelier dans plusieurs écoles et exposition des affiches dans divers endroits de la ville.
Date et Lieu: 20 juin aux Promenades Drummondville, 21 au 27 juin à la Bibliothèque municipale Côme-Saint-Germain
Personne ressource : Johanna Ruiz
Tél. 819-472-8333
Sherbrooke, QC
Événement : journée mondial des réfugies « 1 seul, c’est déjà trop » L’humain : la solidarité avec
les réfugies. / Les dissonances : « 1 seul réfugié privé d’espoir, c’est déjà trop» « 1 seul enfant grandissant dans un camp de réfugiés, c’est déjà trop»
Date : 20 Juin
Lieu et heure de départ : Agora, Université de Sherbrooke entre 12 m et 14 heures
Comité Organisateur : Colombiestrie- université de Sherbrooke-Rife-Aric
Personne ressource : Juan Ovidio Arango
Tél : 819 563 1860 –
facebook: Sherbrooke-Colombiestrie
Trois-Rivières, QC
Événement : la Marche de Solidarité pour la Journée Mondiale du Réfugié
Date : 20 juin 2011
Départ: Bureaux SANA (Coin rue Laviolette et Boul. Saint Maurice)
Heure: 15h15
Arrivée: Parc Portuaire de Trois-Rivières (Il y aura une exposition photo en partenariat avec l’UNHCR)
Autres deux expositions de photos dans deux secteurs de la ville en partenariat avec l’UNHCR, l’Office Municipale d’Habitation (OMH) de Trois-Rivières et la SANA de Trois-Rivières.
Lieux: Maison de quartier du secteur Adélard-Dugré (5587, Jean-Paul
Lavergne, G8Y 3Y5)
Maison de quartier du secteur Jean Nicolet (1211 Place Georges H Robichon
Date : du 20 juin 2011 au 27 juin 2011 heure: à partir de 14h00
Comité Organisateur :Service d’Accueil des Nouveaux Arrivants (SANA)de Trois-Rivières
Personne ressource : Ivan Alonso Suaza
Tél : (819) 375 2196
Regina, SK
Event: World Refugee Day Event
Venue: Scarth Street Mall-Main Stage
Date: Wednesday, June 15th, 2011
Organizing committee: Regina Open Door Society Inc.
Contact person: Shelly Hill
Tel: 306-352-3500
Download poster for this event (PDF, 217 KB)
Moose Jaw, SK
Event Title:World Refugee Day Luncheon
Event Details: Time 11:30 am Cost 5.00
Venue: Timothy Eaton’s Centre,510 Main Street North, Moose Jaw
Date: 20th June, 2011
Organizing committee: Newcomers Subcommittee of the Regional Intersectoral Committee
Contact person: Christine Boyczuk
Saskatoon City, SK
Event Title: World Refugee Day Event
Venue: Saskatoon City Hall Plaza, Saskatoon
Date: June 20
Organizing committee: Saskatoon Refugee Coalition
Contact person: Elaine Harder
Tel: 306.665.2555
Directory of Saskatchewan churchesCanada. Saskatoon
45th Street West 600
Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5W9
phone: 306 6531633 pce@ecumenism.net
Anglican church
Canada. Hudson
:Send paper submissions to
The Revs. Steve & Julie Golding Page
Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 hudsonbayarborfield@sasktel.
Good Shepherd Chaldean Church
Canada. Toronto
Chaldean Way 2
High Meadow Place
Toronto, ON M9L 2Z5 kaldainfo.canada@yahoo.com
Tel: 4167465816
Christ Church Cathedral
Canada. Vancouver
Burrard Street 690
Vancouver BC V6C 3L1
Phone: 6046823848 office@cathedral.vancouver.bc.
mc dougall united Church
Canada. Alberta
Macdonald Dr NW 10025
Edmonton AB
James United Church
Canada. Montréal
rue City Councillors Montréal H3A 2E4 1435
Phone: 5142889245 james@qc.aibn.com
Church of Scientology
Canada. Winnipeg
Garry Street 315
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2G7
Central Church of Christ
Canada. Winnipeg
St. Mary’s Road 170
Winnipeg, MB R2H 1H9
Phone: 2044756462
Saint Patrick’s Basilica
Nepean Street, Ottawa K1R 5G2 281
Phone: 6132331126
The Church of Jesus Christ
Canada. Quebec
,Boulevard MarieVictorinLongueuil
Quebec, J4G 1A4Canada
(AAO) Afghan Association of Ontario
Pemican Court, Unit 6 29
North York, ON
M9M 2Z3
Afghan Women’s Counseling and Integration Community Support Organization
Don Mills Road, Suite 312 789
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T5
Anba Abraam’s Coptic Charity
Eglinton Avenue W 1250
Mississagua, ON
L5V 1N3
Anglican Diocese of British Columbia
Vancouver Street 900
Victoria, BC
V8V 3V7
Anglican Diocese of Calgary – Refugee Support Group
Arbour Wood Close NW 79
Calgary, AB
T3G 4A9
Anglican Diocese of Edmonton
Street NW 103 – 10035
Edmonton, AB
T6J 0X5
Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Quinpool Road 6017
Halifax, NS
B3K 5J6
Anglican Diocese of Toronto Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Toronto / Anglican United
(AURA) Refugee Alliance
St. Clair Avenue E 2723
Toronto, ON
M4B 1M8
Anglican Synod of The Diocese of New Westminster
Georgia Street W 580401
Vancouver, BC
V6B 5A1
Archiepiscopal Corporation of Regina
Broad Street N 445
Regina, SK
S4R 2X8
Armenian Community Centre of Toronto
Hallcrown Place 45
Willowdale, ON
M2J 4Y4
Asmaro Chaldean Society
Stoneybrook Crescent 1621
Windsor, ON
N9G 2Z4
Babylon Ethnic Society, Incorporated
McCormack Road 1052
Saskatoon, SK
S7M 5K2
Berhan Semay Church of Toronto
Bloor Street, East 345
PO Box 72616
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3S9
Calgary Ethiopian Community Association
Avenue SW 12 223 201
Calgary, AB
T2R 0G9
The East Mall 304 100
Etobicoke, ON
M9B 6E2
Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
Suite 1100, 500 – 11 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2R 1M7
Canadian Hearts Across Borders Association
P.O. Box 81014
McLeod Park
Street NW 1571566
Edmonton, Alberta
T5Y 2C0
Canadian International Immigrant and Refugee Support Association
Street 107 10584
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2Y6
Canadian Lutheran World Relief
E 10
Avenue 80
New Westminister, BC
V3L 4R5
Canadian Unitarian Council
Dupont Street 100344
Toronto, ON
M5R 1V9
.Carrefour d’immigration rurale inc
Case postale 2143
rue de l’École ,76
E7E 2M7
Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canad